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put up on nanode with fedora 40 IoT
serve with caddy
In two weeks (and one day) I’ll be paying Stripe Atlas 500 bucks to incorporate Enobius. The business cards are in the mail, but what’s left to do before we have the most minimum web presence possible? :
- [x] website needs to be up, that site needs to have a contact email and contact phone #todo
- [x] #todo contact email - verify that santi@enobius.com works fine, create aliases for:
- [x] #todo contact phone
- Twilio, needs to be up and running (which I believe it already is)
- Phone tree?
- direct extension number for me
- 1 for support
- 2 for sales
So for managing customer infrastructure we’re going to need:
- [ ] Git server to store these configuration changes on #todo
- [ ] Ansible playbooks for deploying machines #todo
- [ ] Backup Solution (Tarsnap) #todo
- [ ] A good understanding of Caddy’s routing #todo
- [ ] Tailscale backend for management and intra-machine communication, may be worthwhile to check out either Headscale or something else. #todo
- [ ] Website hosting for static site, Github Pages or similar, only push changes, track #todo
^ The above still need to be prioritized, but I think it’s reasonable to assume that website takes precedence.
Website, marketing, public facing-> enobius.com
Backend tools, docker containers, status pages -> enobi.us
Yeah we use Go-PnP for initial infrastructure design drafting, it’s been working pretty well for us.
Go-PnP? Is that like Mermaid.js?
No it’s been around nearly forever, but it has a robust open source community and is completely vendor neutral, self-hostable, and functionally immortal with easy backups across storage media.
You self host? What do your hosting costs look like?
It piggybacks off of legacy hardware we had on hand, so no additional costs there.
#random #prepost
Should consider using fly.io for Uptime Kuma, since it’s easy enough to deploy to multiple locations and much cheaper than a hosted VPS. Downside here is that all other applications would have to be containerized as well, maybe n8n too?