Setting up Alpine Linux with i3wm on my Thinkpad T420
Getting Started Go through the normal installer, set up according to taste and make sure to choose ‘sys’ unless you know what you’re doing (in which case, why are you reading this?)
apk add mosh micro doas i3wm i3status dmenu i3lock chromium qutebrowser vim rsync hugo st tmux bash mandoc pandoc acpid xsetroot setxkbmap powertop iwd docs git brightnessctl
note: remove the ‘docs’ and ‘mandoc’ packages if you don’t care about having local documentation handy.…
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I wonder if the reason I keep coming back to blogging (and trying to upload, and re-upload, and re-organize old notes into posts, etc etc) is likely to do with middle school trauma about somebody stealing my notebook and reading it to the girl I liked.
I got called into the principal’s office for that one, and it was such (and is such) an embarrassing memory that I really avoided putting effort towards showing my notes and work to others.…
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I need to get new sleep gear. Oh shit and hot sauce.
Ear plugs
Eye mask
Caffeine pills
Orange juice
Steak maybe
[x] python study [x] CKA [x] akaVM [x] prepare plans for dinner [x] clean up some more [x] quick grocery run? …
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