Services Provided: Consider the range of services you are offering beyond just hosting. This may include website setup, maintenance, security, backups, updates, and technical support. The more comprehensive the services, the higher the pricing can be.
Market Research: Research the pricing models and rates offered by competitors in your target market. This will give you an idea of the prevailing rates and help you position your pricing accordingly.
Value Proposition: Assess the value you are delivering to clients.…
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Thinking about how the closer I feel with a friend the more I insult them. I don’t mean it literally, but I think it’s just the kind of informality culture/sarcasm that I grew up with. As a wildly tangential thought: I also started thinking about how withholding love could be a part of the appeal of that type of interaction (since you express affection by doing the opposite, but with a hopefully understood subtext).…
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Uptime Kuma is top of mind right now, but I need to be focusing on getting the site up and running. To do so, I can just build it locally in Hugo, and export that out to a fly.io caddy container. Easy.
However, you also need to get those webhook integrations finished up, namely, ones for baserow form intake.
~~website -> form populates baserow table -> webhook updates n8n.io -> text/email/slack with notification that potential customer has reached out (will expand later to include some automatic scheduling information)~~…
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I can’t believe that I’m actually quitting my job. This will be the first time in over a decade that I leave a job (willingly). All this, so that after 18 months, I get Enobius off the ground and start getting clients. #enobius
I’m going to need to outline with broad strokes what the next couple of weeks are going to look like. And set a few achievable goals now so that I don’t have to keep reminding myself that I’ve done something today.…
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Find site files
put up on nanode with fedora 40 IoT
serve with caddy
In two weeks (and one day) I’ll be paying Stripe Atlas 500 bucks to incorporate Enobius. The business cards are in the mail, but what’s left to do before we have the most minimum web presence possible? :
[x] website needs to be up, that site needs to have a contact email and contact phone #todo [x] #todo contact email - verify that santi@enobius.…
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[x] look into backing up phone, need to swap battery #todo 📅 2024-08-01 [ ] swap battery #todo 📅 2024-08-01 [x] look into namecheap.com/apps/business-formation for business formation #todo Don’t be the sort of person who only lets other talk so that they can talk.
[ ] stock buyback, set to autosell #todo …
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Haven’t done daily notes in a short while, need to continue doing so since habits are so fleeting in the first few weeks.
(from nasdaq.com)
Generational Wealth: Why do 70% of Families Lose Their Wealth in the 2nd Generation? Generational wealth is an aspect of financial planning that is geared toward passing down stable, significant financial resources to future generations. But can anyone really teach wealth? If all it took was knowledge to become wealthy, then most business people, professors, financial planners and others would be very wealthy.…
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#tolerance #paradox #politics
[x] need to buy new razor heads #todo [x] send picture to tex shinobi to get refund or replacements #todo https://www.treehugger.com/how-to-create-your-own-drip-irrigation-system-5184802
How to Create Your Own Drip Irrigation System DIY drip irrigation is the cheapest, most sustainable way to water plants.
Working Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour
Skill Level: Beginner
Estimated Cost: $3.00 - $20.00
Drip irrigation applies water through small holes called emitters in a network of hoses or pipes rather than through broadcasting sprinklers or hoses.…
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Stand Up A Small Business Challenge
Official last day is the 20th
27th is a SBA / CoC event in Reading (20 minute drive)
I need to:
Stand up the business legally, Stripe Atlas or the other one from namecheap email is done, need TWILIO PHONE and extensions Website content up website up (CloudFlare Pages or something Disaster and backup recovery planning …
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